In today’s digital age with websites, social media and the increasing use of mobile devices and email for communication you would think that there is no longer any use for direct mail – you would be wrong!
When you send a direct mail brochure or postcard to your customer you will find this to be a very effective strategy. Emails can be deleted immediately or never even looked at, but people will still head to their mailboxes! Post Office statistics show that 98 percent of people retrieve their mail daily, and 77 percent will sort it immediately. This gives you access to potential customers who could seek out your business right away.
When people search on-line it is just like when people used to use the yellow pages to find business and services. Direct mail allows you to find potential customers instead of the chance a potential customer will find your competitor.
Direct mail advertising is highly targeted, you can market directly to customers who will be the most likely to purchase from you. In addition, with a direct mail campaign you can use a variety of ways to track your campaign including coupons, for instance.
The Gateway Printing Company can work with you to put together an effective direct mail campaign for your business. There are a variety of direct mail programs including the USPS Every Door Direct Mail. We will work with you on the program that would work best for your business.